Best Pulled Pork Internal Temperature 205

Pulled Pork Temperature 205 must be cooked to a temperature of 195 degrees Fahrenheit before it can be shredded. Allowing the meat to cook to 200-205 degrees will make it even softer, making it much easier to pull apart.

What Should The Pulled Pork Internal Temp Be?

Is it time to remove the pork butt from the smoker when the digital readout reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit? That’s not the case .Ensure that all of that delicious pork fat has been rendered out, as this will make shredding the meat much more accessible.

Cook the pork butt until it reaches an internal temperature of 195 degrees Fahrenheit. During the crucial resting period, the pork will continue to cook, reaching a temperature of around 200 degrees.

The meat will be so tender at these temperatures that it will fall apart when prodded with a fork.

If you want the pork to be even softer, leave it on the grill until it reaches a temperature of 202 to 205 degrees. However, don’t leave it to cook any longer.

Overcooking pork butt is possible. Your pulled pork will be uncomfortably dry if this happens.

Pulled Pork Internal Temperature 205

What Cut Should You Use For Pulled Pork?

Pork comes in a variety of cuts, which can quickly become confusing.

The best cuts of meat for shredding are pork shoulder or pork butt. The terms pork shoulder & pork butt are frequently interchanged in grocery stores. Even though they come from the same parts of the pig, there are some minor differences:

The Butt Of Pork: This cut is from the upper shoulder and is also known as Boston Butt. Pork butt is a fattier cut of pork that is ideal for shredding.

Shoulder Of Pork: This cut, also known as Picnic Shoulder, is slightly leaner and comes from only a portion of the hog’s shoulder – the front leg portion.

Shredding other cuts of pork, such as pork roast or pork loin, is not recommended.

Pork shoulder and butt cuts are sold as significant cuts of meat with a lot of fat. Both methods work well for pulled pork, whether you smoke the pork or roast it to shred it.

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Making Pulled Pork

It’s crucial to cook pork butt properly. Aside from that, the meat will be challenging and chewy. As a result, it’s the best option for making pulled pork.

How does the meat become soft enough to be shredded with just a fork if it is so tough, to begin with? That’s the beauty of slow cooking, which occurs when the grill’s temperature is set to 250 degrees or lower.

Collagen is abundant in tough cuts of meat like pork butt. Their collagen will break down into gelatin when cooked in a low-and-slow setting. This gives the heart a rich flavor and texture that leaner cuts can’t match and Pulled Pork Temperature 205.

The Cooking Process

Certain enzymes begin the denaturing process at around 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The meat starts to turn opaque when the temperature reaches 120 degrees.

It’s also at this point that red beef starts to turn pink. If you’ve ever had a rare steak, it was probably taken off the heat around the 120-degree mark.

The color of the meat changes from pink to greyish brown as the temperature rises to 140 degrees. It will release a lot of juice and shrink as the meat becomes chewy and tough if allowed to climb past that point.

This is why medium-rare steaks are juicier than those cooked past medium.

When the pork reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, it is safe to eat. But just because the pork is safe to eat at this temperature doesn’t mean you should stop there. This is why.

The collagen to gelatin conversion begins when the meat reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit. When the collagen reaches this sweet spot, it melts more quickly and continues on this path until it reaches 180 degrees.

Even though the meat is dry, the muscle fibers will loosen, giving the gelatin more room to spread.

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How To Cook Pork Butt To A Temperature Of 195°F

Trim the excess fat from the pork butt and season it with your favorite barbecue rub before grilling. You can either put it in the fridge overnight or leave it at room temperature for about half an hour.

Preheat your grill or smoker when you’re ready to start cooking. Preheat a gas grill to medium-low, a charcoal grill to low, or a pellet grill to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

We prefer a pellet grill for pulled pork because the wood pellets add a wonderful smoke flavor. Alternatively, a handful of wood chips can be tossed on a charcoal fire.

The foil pouch method can also be used to use wood chips on a gas grill and Pulled Pork Temperature 205.

Place the pork fat side up on the grill rack. Insert a meat temperature probe into the thickest portion of the pork butt now if you’re using one.

Allowing the probe’s tip to touch the bone will result in an inaccurate readout. Allow the pork to cook for 2 hours per pound on the grill with the lid closed.

The temperature will stop rising for several hours once it reaches 160 degrees. In pitmaster circles, this dreaded occurrence is referred to as “the stall.”

Although inconvenient, the stall is an unavoidable part of the procedure. You have two options: wait it out or use the “Texas crutch” to accelerate the cooking process.

Here’s how the Texas crutch works if you’d like to cut a few hours off your total cooking time. When the pork butt reaches 160 degrees, remove it from the grill and wrap it tightly in aluminum foil.

Pulled Pork Internal Temperature 205

Return it to the grill and cook until it reaches your desired temperature.

Many pitmasters refuse to use foil because it causes the bark on the meat’s exterior soften. We recommend waiting until the stall is empty if you want crispy bark.

You can also try to revive it by removing the foil for 20 to 30 minutes near the end of the cooking time, but this does not always work.

Remove the pork butt from the grill when it is done. Now is the time to wrap the meat in foil if you haven’t already. Before shredding the pork, let it rest for at least 30 minutes and up to 2 hours.

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Pulled Pork Internal Temp / What Temp To Pull Pork Butt

Is it time to remove the pork butt from the smoker when the digital readout reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit? That’s not the case.

You want to ensure that all of that delicious pork fat has been rendered out, as this will make shredding the meat much more accessible.

Cook the pork butt until it reaches an internal temperature of 195 degrees Fahrenheit. During the crucial resting period, the pork will continue to cook, reaching a temperature of around 200 degrees.

The meat will be so tender at these temperatures that it will fall apart when prodded with a fork.

If you want the pork to be even softer, leave it on the grill until it reaches a temperature of 202 to 205 degrees. However, don’t leave it to cook any longer.

Overcooking pork butt is possible. Your pulled pork will be uncomfortably dry if this happens.

About Pulled Pork Shredding

You have a few options when it comes to shredding slow-cooked meat. You can simply pull the meat apart with your fingers. This method is helpful because it allows you to remove any fat or gristle that has survived the cooking process.

It is, however, the most time-consuming method.

Pulled Pork Internal Temperature 205

Alternatively, you can shred the meat with a couple of forks. To pull the meat apart, turn the divisions so that the prongs face outward from one another. If you plan to make pulled pork regularly, we recommend investing in a set of shredding claws to speed up the process.

You can use an electric hand mixer as a last resort. This is the quickest method, and it’s beneficial if you’re making a large batch of pork.

However, it’s essential to proceed with caution, as over-processed meat can turn mush in minutes.


Pulled pork can be cooked to a temperature of 195 degrees Fahrenheit. However, we suggest waiting until the thermometer reaches 202 degrees. The extra time will make shredding much easier for you, and the meat will keep its moisture and rich texture.


1. Is 205 Too High For Pork Shoulder?

Pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F (62.8°C), according to the USDA. However, any seasoned griller knows that cuts high in collagen, such as pork butt, require much higher temperatures to properly break down the connective tissues (195-205°F [91-96°C]).

2. Is 210 Too High For Pulled Pork?

Pulled pork should be cooked at a temperature of 205-210 degrees. The meat will be soft enough to shred with forks, shredding claws, or even your fingers at these temperatures. Remember that the meat will continue to cook after you remove it from the smoker.

3. Can You Pull Pulled Pork At 200?

Pulled pork has its own set of guidelines. The meat will not be tender enough to shred until it reaches a temperature of 195 degrees Fahrenheit. We recommend waiting until the thermometer reads 202-205 before removing the pork from the smoker to ensure that it comes apart under gentle pressure.

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